单词 negro 的中文意思、词根、词缀、翻译、同义词、反义词、短语、例句
🎧 音标
📖 详细的单词含义
- 名词 (n.):黑人(旧时使用,现被认为具有冒犯性,不建议使用)
例句:Historically, the term 'Negro' was used to refer to black people.(历史上,'Negro'这个词曾用来指代黑人。)
🌱 词根、词缀
词根:源自西班牙语和葡萄牙语的 'negro',意为“黑色的”
💡 联想记忆
📜 同义词、反义词记忆
✍️ 短语记忆
- Negro League(黑人联盟,指美国历史上黑人棒球联盟)
📝 例句记忆
- 名词:The term 'Negro' is considered outdated and potentially offensive.('Negro'这个词被认为是过时的,且可能具有冒犯性。)
📚 故事记忆
In the past, people used the term 'Negro' without realizing its implications. However, as society evolved, the word became less acceptable due to its derogatory connotations. Today, we use more inclusive terms like 'African American' to show respect and equality.
过去,人们使用'Negro'这个词时并未意识到其含义。但随着社会的进步和演变,由于该词带有贬义,逐渐不被接受。现在,我们使用'African American'等更具包容性的词汇,以体现尊重和平等。