单词 antique 的中文意思、词根、词缀、翻译、同义词、反义词、短语、例句

🎧 音标



📖 详细的单词含义

  • 形容词 (adj.):古老的,古董的
        例句:She has an antique mirror in her room.(她的房间里有一面古董镜子。)
  • 名词 (n.):古董,古物
        例句:He collects antiques from the Ming Dynasty.(他收集明朝的古董。)

🌱 词根、词缀

词根:来自拉丁语 'antiquus',意为“古老的,古代的”

💡 联想记忆


📜 同义词、反义词记忆



✍️ 短语记忆

  • Antique shop(古董店)
  • Antique furniture(古董家具)
  • Antique market(古董市场)

📝 例句记忆

  • 形容词:The antique clock has been in the family for generations.(这个古董钟已经在家族中传承了几代。)
  • 名词:She found a valuable antique at the flea market.(她在跳蚤市场找到了一件有价值的古董。)

📚 故事记忆


In a small town, there was an antique shop that had been there for centuries. The shop was filled with all sorts of antiques, from ancient coins to vintage furniture. One day, a curious young man named Jack visited the shop. He was fascinated by an antique vase that seemed to hold a mysterious aura. The shopkeeper told him the story of the vase, how it had been passed down through generations, each adding a piece of their own history to it. Jack decided to buy the vase, not just for its beauty, but for the stories it carried.



🖼️ 图片记忆
