单词 cast 的中文意思、词根、词缀、翻译、同义词、反义词、短语、例句

🎧 音标



📖 详细的单词含义

  • 动词 (v.):投掷,抛出
        例句:He cast a stone into the river.(他把一块石头扔进了河里。)
  • 名词 (n.):演员阵容,铸件
        例句:The cast of the play includes many famous actors.(这部戏的演员阵容包括许多著名演员。)

🌱 词根、词缀

词根:来自古英语 'casten',意为“投掷,计算”,与德语 'casten' 和荷兰语 'kaesten' 有关

💡 联想记忆


📜 同义词、反义词记忆



✍️ 短语记忆

  • cast a vote(投票)
  • cast a spell(施法)
  • cast iron(铸铁)

📝 例句记忆

  • 动词:She cast her vote for the new leader.(她投票选了新领导。)
  • 名词:The cast of the movie was announced today.(今天宣布了电影的演员阵容。)

📚 故事记忆


In a small village, there was an annual festival where people would cast stones into a pond to make wishes. One year, a young boy named Jack cast a stone with all his might, hoping for a chance to study in the city. The stone skipped across the water, landing in the center of the pond. Miraculously, his wish came true, and he was offered a scholarship. The cast of his stone not only brought him luck but also changed his life forever.



🖼️ 图片记忆
