单词 cave 的中文意思、词根、词缀、翻译、同义词、反义词、短语、例句

🎧 音标



📖 详细的单词含义

  • 名词 (n.):洞穴,岩洞
        例句:The explorers found a large cave behind the waterfall.(探险家们在瀑布后面发现了一个大洞穴。)
  • 动词 (v.):挖洞,塌陷
        例句:The ground caved in under the weight of the heavy truck.(地面在重型卡车的重量下塌陷了。)

🌱 词根、词缀

词根:来自拉丁语 'cavus',意为“空的,凹陷的”

💡 联想记忆


📜 同义词、反义词记忆



✍️ 短语记忆

  • cave in(塌陷)
  • cave exploration(洞穴探险)
  • cave painting(洞穴壁画)

📝 例句记忆

  • 名词:The bear retreated into its cave for the winter.(熊退回到它的洞穴过冬。)
  • 动词:The old bridge began to cave in after the flood.(洪水过后,那座旧桥开始塌陷。)

📚 故事记忆


Once upon a time, there was a brave explorer named Jack. One day, he discovered a mysterious cave hidden deep in the forest. The cave was dark and full of secrets. As Jack ventured deeper, the ground beneath him suddenly began to cave in. He quickly grabbed onto a stalactite and managed to avoid falling into the abyss. Inside the cave, Jack found ancient paintings that told the story of a lost civilization. This discovery made him famous.



🖼️ 图片记忆
