Kamus QiuQiu

Apa arti kata lithosphere dalam bahasa Indonesia, akar kata, imbuhan, terjemahan, sinonim, antonim, frasa, contoh kalimat?

🎧 Fonetik

🔈Pengucapan Amerika: /ˈlaɪθoʊˌsfɪr/

🔈Pengucapan Inggris: /ˈlaɪθəʊˌsfɪə/

📖 Arti Kata yang Rinci

  • Noun (n.):The solid portion of the earth, as distinct from the liquid and gaseous portions, comprising the crust and the solid part of the mantle.
        Contoh: The lithosphere includes the crust and the upper part of the mantle. (Lithosphere mencakup kerak bumi dan bagian atas mantel.)

🌱 Akar Kata, Awalan, Akhiran

Akar kata: Derived from the Greek words 'lithos' meaning 'stone' and 'sphaira' meaning 'sphere'. Combined, they refer to the 'stone sphere' or the solid outer layer of the Earth.

💡 Mnemonik Asosiasi

Think of the Earth's layers: crust, mantle, and core. The lithosphere is the outer solid layer, which includes the crust and a part of the mantle.

📜 Mnemonik Sinonim dan Antonim


  • earth's crust and upper mantle


  • atmosphere, hydrosphere

✍️ Mnemonik Frasa

  • beneath the lithosphere
  • study of the lithosphere

📝 Mnemonik Contoh Kalimat

  • The tectonic plates are part of the lithosphere. (Plat tektonik adalah bagian dari lithosphere.)

📚 Mnemonik Cerita

Cerita dalam Bahasa Inggris:

In the depths of the Earth, there lies a vast and solid realm known as the lithosphere. This realm, composed of the Earth's crust and the upper mantle, is where the great tectonic plates move and shape the continents. One day, a geologist named Dr. Stone decided to explore the mysteries of the lithosphere. As he delved deeper into his research, he discovered how the movement of these plates could lead to earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, revealing the dynamic nature of our planet's surface.

Cerita dalam Bahasa Mandarin:

Di kedalaman bumi, terdapat suatu kerajaan yang kokoh dan luas yang dikenal sebagai lithosphere. Kerajaan ini, terdiri dari kerak bumi dan mantel atas, adalah tempat pergerakan plat tektonik yang membentuk benua. Suatu hari, seorang ahli geologi bernama Dr. Stone memutuskan untuk mengeksplorasi misteri lithosphere. Saat dia menelusuri lebih dalam penelitiannya, dia menemukan bagaimana pergerakan plat-plat ini dapat menyebabkan gempa bumi dan letusan gunung berapi, mengungkapkan sifat dinamis permukaan planet kita.