Apa arti kata takeoff dalam bahasa Indonesia, akar kata, imbuhan, terjemahan, sinonim, antonim, frasa, contoh kalimat?
🎧 Fonetik
🔈Pengucapan Amerika: /ˈteɪkˌɔːf/
🔈Pengucapan Inggris: /ˈteɪkˌɒf/
📖 Arti Kata yang Rinci
- noun (n.):the act of taking off, especially the event of an aircraft lifting off the ground
Contoh: The takeoff of the plane was smooth. (Takeoff pesawat itu lancar.) - verb (v.):to take off, to rise into the air
Contoh: The plane will take off in ten minutes. (Pesawat itu akan lepas landas dalam sepuluh menit.)
🌱 Akar Kata, Awalan, Akhiran
Akar kata: Derived from the combination of 'take' and 'off', where 'take' comes from Old English 'tacan' and 'off' from Old English 'of', meaning 'from' or 'away'
💡 Mnemonik Asosiasi
Menyangkut ke adegan penerbangan: Pesawat yang akan lepas landas, orang-orang duduk dan menunggu, pilot mengumumkan 'We are preparing for takeoff', di sini 'takeoff' berarti 'lepas landas'.
📜 Mnemonik Sinonim dan Antonim
- noun: liftoff, departure
- verb: depart, ascend
- noun: landing
- verb: land
✍️ Mnemonik Frasa
- Prepare for takeoff (Siapkan untuk lepas landas)
- Takeoff speed (Kecepatan lepas landas)
📝 Mnemonik Contoh Kalimat
- noun: The pilot announced the takeoff time. (Pilot mengumumkan waktu lepas landas.)
- verb: The small aircraft quickly took off. (Pesawat kecil itu cepat lepas landas.)
📚 Mnemonik Cerita
Cerita dalam Bahasa Inggris:
Once, a young aviator was preparing for his first solo flight. As he checked his aircraft, he heard the tower announce, 'Prepare for takeoff.' With a mix of excitement and nerves, he taxied to the runway. The moment of takeoff was exhilarating, and he felt the thrill of the sky as he ascended into the air.
Cerita dalam Bahasa Mandarin:
Dulu, seorang penerjun lalat muda sedang menyiapkan penerbangan solo pertamanya. Saat dia memeriksa pesawatnya, dia mendengar menara mengumumkan, 'Siapkan untuk lepas landas.' Dengan campuran antara kegembiraan dan gugupan, dia mengemudikan pesawat ke landasan pacu. Momen lepas landas itu mengejutkan, dan dia merasakan kegembiraan langit saat dia naik ke udara.