单词 middle 的中文意思、词根、词缀、翻译、同义词、反义词、短语、例句

🎧 音标



📖 详细的单词含义

  • 名词 (n.):中间,中部
        例句:He was standing in the middle of the room.(他站在房间的中间。)
  • 形容词 (adj.):中间的,中部的
        例句:She took the middle seat on the bus.(她坐在公交车中间的座位上。)

🌱 词根、词缀

词根:来自古英语 'midel',意为“中间的”

💡 联想记忆


📜 同义词、反义词记忆



✍️ 短语记忆

  • middle ground(中间立场)
  • middle age(中年)
  • middle finger(中指)

📝 例句记忆

  • 名词:The cake had a cherry in the middle.(蛋糕中间有一颗樱桃。)
  • 形容词:He lives in the middle house on the street.(他住在街道中间的房子里。)

📚 故事记忆


Once in a small town, there was a famous middle school named 'Middle Way'. It was located right in the middle of the town, and all the students loved the central location. One day, a new student named Mike joined the school. He was always curious about the middle of things. During a class trip, the bus broke down in the middle of nowhere. Mike, using his knowledge of the middle, found the center of the problem and helped fix the bus. Everyone praised Mike for his prompt and middle-focused thinking.



🖼️ 图片记忆
