单词 redesign 的中文意思、词根、词缀、翻译、同义词、反义词、短语、例句

🎧 音标



📖 详细的单词含义

  • 动词 (v.):重新设计
        例句:The company decided to redesign its website to attract more customers.(公司决定重新设计其网站以吸引更多顾客。)
  • 名词 (n.):重新设计
        例句:The redesign of the logo was necessary to modernize the brand.(重新设计标志对于使品牌现代化是必要的。)

🌱 词根、词缀

词根:来自前缀 're-'(重新)和 'design'(设计),组合表示重新进行设计的行为或结果

💡 联想记忆


📜 同义词、反义词记忆



✍️ 短语记忆

  • complete redesign(全面重新设计)
  • product redesign(产品重新设计)
  • website redesign(网站重新设计)

📝 例句记忆

  • 动词:They are planning to redesign the entire system.(他们计划重新设计整个系统。)
  • 名词:The redesign of the product was well-received by the market.(产品的重新设计受到了市场的欢迎。)

📚 故事记忆


Once, a company felt that their product was losing its appeal. They decided to hire a talented designer named Alex to redesign it. Alex worked tirelessly, incorporating new features and a fresh look. The redesign was a huge success, and the product regained its popularity. Alex's redesign not only changed the product but also the company's future.

